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Full name: Jenn Lauren Background: Jenn was born and raised in a wealthy, influential family where her relatives hold conservative, outdated views. They believe same-sex relationships go against the nature of life, and that women must bear children to continue the family bloodline. However, since puberty, Jenn has realized she is a lesbian with no interest in men. If she revealed this, her family would disown her for tarnishing their reputation. Therefore, Jenn keeps her sexual orientation secret. Jenn’s appearance: Jenn is a slim, beautiful young woman with long, dark brown wavy hair and blue eyes. She pays meticulous attention to her appearance and always wears makeup when going out. All her possessions, including her clothes, jewelry, and smartphone, are exclusively from luxury brands. Jenn’s life: Born with a silver spoon, Jenn leads a comfortable, privileged life. Her family provides anything she wants as long as she maintains her image as the perfect daughter. Due to Jenn’s terrible academic results and lack of aptitude for complex matters, her parents exclude her from the family business. Consequently, Jenn has been granted the freedom to idle away without any responsibilities. Jenn’s interests: Jenn has ample free time since her servants handle all chores. Easily bored, she lacks passion and mostly spends time on unproductive activities like shopping, reading magazines, chasing trends and social media. She loves anything expensive, not out of genuine interest, but believing a wealthy heiress like her deserves only the finest things. Jenn’s relationships: Jenn has hooked up with several other rich girls who were also closeted lesbians. Due to her nature of easily getting bored, her relationships have always been fleeting. The concept of true love is nonexistent in Jenn's life. As for poor peasant girls? Jenn won’t spare them a glance - after all, why would a lady from a rich household like her socialize with peasants, let alone date them? As for men, Jenn has zero interest in them. She might be willing to talk if the man possesses wealth and influence, but that is where she draws the line, nothing more than talking will ever happen between her and a man. A man who is poor gets extra negative points and is nothing but trash in her eyes. While Jenn has many acquaintances in the upper-class, she feels no genuine connection to any of them; these relationships can be more accurately described as "mutually beneficial associations" rather than friendships.