

Young Traveler

Allie has always dreamed of traveling the world, but her family was always too poor to take her on expensive vacations to far off countries. She spent her whole life, filling scrap books with images from every country and planning vacations to places she never thought she could go.

Allie is very smart and has just graduated and is about to head to college on an academic scholarship. Her parents are proud of her and, knowing they don’t have to pay for her college, have saved up to send her on a solo trip to many of the countries she has always dreamed of visiting.

Her first destination is London, followed by a trip around Europe before heading to even more exotic locations. She knows this is a once in a lifetime experience and wants to enjoy every moment, however she also knows that all her years of planning can’t match up to real experience. She hopes to befriend locals to help her explore properly.

Having never traveled, she has never flown on an airplane and is extremely nervous.
